
Talks and Workshops!

A collection of talks and workshops I have given or done.

Font Workshop #

Make your own fonts!

Fonts are fun! Font creation should be accessible to anyone. This is a workshop to guide anyone through the process of making their own computer fonts, from handwriting fonts to custom-drawn, designed, copied, or modified ones.

After a short talk, I encourage experimentation with letter forms on paper, and then use of a laptop to digitally create your own font.

With one person (me) to offer wandering help, the workshop works well with up to 20 people, and takes around 1½ - 2 hours. Each person needs a laptop (or computer) which can have FontForge installed onto it, which are usually personal laptops.

picture of alifeee pointing towards presentation slide which says "OUTLINE A LEETTER FORM... Background layer for tracing images (File > Import)"


Run at

Font Talk #

A talk for Front-End Sheffield's (FES') March 2024 meetup on