

page last edited: 2024-10-12 (see changelog)

(mostly) everything I know or want to know about Sheffield. Information from but not exclusively:

this page is created mostly for myself, but I hope you find it useful.

Table of Contents

the weather right now 🔗

live weather visualisation for sheffield
(?) generated every 15 minutes on my server with weather_landscape

social eating and food provisioning 🔗

Sheffood do great work to highlight the social eating and food provisioning venues around Sheffield. See a map here: or a nicely layed out table of where to eat per-day-of-the week here: (hopefully still there).

where is/is there "this specific thing" 🔗

pop up events that I always want to keep an eye on 🔗

lists of places I consider interesting 🔗

list of Instagram pages 🔗

these are mainly sporadic events, but also more generic "Sheffield" focused pages

list of cool events 🔗

list of events pages 🔗

list of pages providing information 🔗

list of Sheffield RSS feeds 🔗