Durham University

Physics Society

Meet the Executive Team 2020-21

Co-Presidents: Kiki and Luke

College: Castle
Year: 3

We, Kiki and Luke, are your Co-Presidents of 2020-2021 and we'll be working together with the other exec members to provide both social interaction and academic support for our members - even in times of a pandemic.! We're both from the same college so we got to know each other in Fresher's and have been friends ever since! (You might remember us as last year’s CERN reps.)

Between us, we take part in the Swing Society and World Cinema Society in addition to our roles as Physoc presidents. Individually, Kiki is involved with quidditch and loves sailing and Luke lists one of his hobbies as 'crying over spilt milk'.

A little fun fact: just like Durham's beloved maths lecturer Balt, Kiki is Dutch and Luke shares his iconic red hair.

Secretary: Sarah

College: Stephenson
Year: 3

I study natural sciences (physics and Earth science). A fun fact about me, which is probably very evident if you have ever heard my accent, is that I am from California! (#westcoastbestcoast) When I’m not attending lectures or camped out in the billy b doing revision, my hobbies include playing in orchestra and hiking. As your secretary for this upcoming year I am looking forward to arranging some really exciting speakers!

Treasurer: Alice

College: Castle
Year: 2

I enjoy rowing, running, cooking and counting money (that is why I’m the treasurer for The Physics Society this year).

My role is to make sure our accounts are in order so we have lots of money to enjoy fun social events together.

I hope you enjoy your time with the Physics Society, as an exec we will make physics great again. I’m happy to answer any questions and have a round of monopoly (as long as I am the banker!)

Social Secretary: Lauryn

College: Castle
Year: 2

If there’s anything I love more than procrastinating my lab prep, its fighting the stereotype that Physics is the most “anti” subject. Some of you first years may know me from the weekly Tuesday bar crawls or my meme page (shameless plug: Level 1 Physics Memes for Lenz Loving Teens, Facebook and Instagram). After two terms I think it’s safe to say I have almost perfected the Physics Bar Crawl, and have a huge roster of games and activities under my belt. I am looking forward to bringing all of this and more to Physoc, throwing regular events to bring together nerds from far and wide, from all colleges and all years.

Publicity Officer: Hannah

College: St. Mary's
Year: 2

I love studying physics and want to share my passion for learning with all of my fellow students, especially by promoting events in which we can all get to know each other in both a social and academic context. I know that this year is going to be very unique in terms of how we can socialise and learn as a society, but I am ready to face those challenges in order to make everyone feel welcome here. I will be helping to organise online events such as Q&As, quizzes and (hopefully!) talks from students and professors to help broaden your knowledge. I would also like to celebrate new achievements in physics, from both around the world and here in Durham so if you would like a shout-out from the society then please let me know!