
pixel-art drawing of author. headshot. by alifeee QR code linking to
  • Why I love fonts
    • Design is fun
    • Individuality is fun
  • Using Fonts
    • On the web
    • Thoughts on Google Fonts
    • NOT using fonts
  • Making fonts!
    • Design
    • Practically

Design is fun

Book cover of "Script Fonts" Book cover of "Why Fonts Matter"
Geum-hee Hong (2015), Script Fonts . Laurence King Publishing, ISBN 9781780677583.
Sarah Hyndman (2015), Why Fonts Matter . Type Tasting, ISBN 9780753551912.

A History of Typefaces

A History of Typefaces

A History of Typefaces

A History of Typefaces

A History of Typefaces

How many fonts do you encounter in a day?

How about in a minute?

How many did you find?

Is it more than you expect?

How different are they?

How many do you think you see in a day?

Individuality is fun

Screenshot of Screenshot of

Using Fonts

Personal fonts have a great home on personal websites or anywhere you can put CSS!

              @font-face {
                font-family: "BogFace";
                src: url("./bogface/BogFace.woff") format("woff");
              .font--bogface {
                font-family: "BogFace", sans-serif;
<span class="font--bogface">simple BogFace!</span>

See Zach Leatherman's Comprehensive Webfonts & Font Checklist for more.

Using personal fonts on the web

Google Fonts usage

              if grep -q "" $1; then
                echo 1;
                echo 0;
              find ./sites/ -exec ./ {} \;
                | awk '{sum += $0; tot += 1} END {print sum "/" tot}'
Site Fraction
Personal 20/101 ██░░░░░░░░░░
Top 50 5/41 █░░░░░░░░░░░

Caveat: does not show self-hosted fonts

Google Fonts

  • Quick
  • Compatibility¹
  • Licenced
  • cons mitigated if you self-host font
  • Privacy & Tracking
    • Collection of IP, URL, & Headers¹
    • GDPR legal issues²
  • More servers involved
    • Slower
    • Offline development



Google Fonts

  • Quick
  • Compatibility¹
  • Licenced
  • cons mitigated if you self-host font
  • Privacy & Tracking
    • Collection of IP, URL, & Headers¹
    • GDPR legal issues²
  • More servers involved
    • Slower
    • Offline development

Not using a font at all

page load speed, permacomputing & carbon footprint

Stop Using Custom Web Fonts , Bradley Taunt

System Fonts Look Good
"Think of the Consistency!"
Loss of Personality
Hurting Performance & Wasting Resources

In defense of user-defined web fonts , Theodore Keloglou

it makes me happy that (i) my blog platform is insanely fast and (ii) I let my users choose their own fonts.

OFF the web

Screenshot of notepad using custom font Screenshot of invoice using custom font Picture of laser-cut wood with custom font

"Boggy websites"

Computers are customisable!

Screenshot of Firefox's font customise settings window
Firefox's default font settings

"Boggy websites"

Part 1: Unstyled websites

"Boggy websites"

Part 1a: Unstylable websites

Screenshot of Google sign-in, showing a custom font in a select dropdown

"Boggy websites"

Part 2: Missing fonts or styles

You should make a font!

You should make a font!

Only 4 of 105 sites mentioned making fonts

Bonus mention:

How to design a font

Font design can be a Trap, but I find it a rather pleasant one.

construction x-height cap-height ascenders descenders width width regularity variability weight slant contrast angle of contrast weight distribution stems joins bowls terminals serifs monospace speed regularity flourish decoration brackets slab-serif dimension

How to make a font

splines paths em-unit character glyph outline bitmap PostScript TrueType OpenType SVG hinting kerning rasterized layers lookups features scripts languages ligatures lookup tables GSUB table GPOS table anchor points classes baselines ideographs metrics spacing accents

How to make letter forms

  • Digitally drawing them
  • Modifying them
  • Tracing them

Let's make a font!

  • Sketch some letter forms!
  • Try starting with "o" and "n"!
  • Draw some more letters, like "adhesion" or "videospan"!
  • Digitize them!
  1. Do you want to digitally draw letters, or trace them?
  2. What sort of "vibe" might you be going for?
  3. Do you want to have upper- and lowercase letters? Numbers? Symbols? It's ok just to have a subset.

Thanks! :)

QR code linking to
pixel-art drawing of author. headshot.

by alifeee

Other stuff

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