This is a collection of bookmark collections that I often want to share.
They are unsorted, unlabelled, and come directly from my Firefox bookmarks with a script:
For a nicer experience, see a curated list of labelled favourite things on /favourites/.
Also see in json format on the gist :)
Click one of these to scroll to the section.
- TOP 10 personal websites/blogs
- other bookmarks lists
- webrings
- personal websites (with blog)
- personal websites (without blog)
- interesting websites
- Articles (random)
- Articles (programming)
- video playlists/channels
- wordles
- mobile games
- multiplayer browser games
TOP 10 personal websites/blogs
other bookmarks lists
- alifeee's webring!
- sike pona
- 🌿 garlic 🧄 garden 🌿
- The Beetle Ring - List of Member Sites
- NeoSSG: A webring for Neocities sites made with static site generators
- Weird Wide Webring
- null webring
- kulupu ko's Web site
- furryring: the furry webring
- Hotline Webring
- bucket webring!
- Webring
- Webring
- Tech makers
- Directory | An IndieWeb Webring
- Webrings
- Webring
personal websites (with blog)
- Ryan Mulligan
- Tom Hazledine
- Chun Fei Lung’s personal website | Chuniversiteit
- Data Colada - Thinking about evidence and vice versa
- Robin Price
- blinry's homepage
- Blog -
- Mind of a Hitchhiker
- Adam Drake
- Tims Curious Creations
- Lathonez' Blog
- Open Source und Weblog von Tobias Leupold |
- James Cloos
- unop
- Russ Garrett
- nutcroft
- laymonage
- Roy Keyes
- Peter Noble | Personal portfolio. Code, film, theatre etc…
- Webjeda
- Geoff Boeing – Urban planning and spatial analysis professor at USC
- Jamie Tanna | Software Engineer
- Drew DeVault's blog
- Asia Lakay
- Pierre Palatin's corner - Random posts about some stuff I've been doing.
- - Linux und so...
- Tanishq K.: TK's website
- Hillel Wayne
- evelyn masso - evelyn masso
- Vitalik Buterin's website
- David Kemp
- Hugo ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Bear Blog | Hugo ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Bear Blog
- Jonathan Dallas
- Adam Stoddard - generalist designer & creative technologist
- Vlad Sitalo
- Max Böck
- AJ's Blog
- JRE’s Project Blog | A place to talk about my projects
- XXIIVV — home
- Todd Wolfson - Blog
- gregsite - Welcome!
- Tom Murphy 7's Invincible Web Page
- Home | Rach Smith's digital garden
- ngadev // Neil Gary Allen - Web Developer
- Home | chriskirknielsen
- Ross Wintle - Freelance technology, code and consultancy - Ross Wintle
- Peter Hicks' Blog – The personal blog of Peter Hicks
- Tim McCormack | Brain on Fire
- Read the Tea Leaves | Software and other dark arts, by Nolan Lawson
- CSS { In Real Life }
- Simon Hearne
- I Build Things — Chris McLeod
- DevCafe
- EO & DA Ramblings
- @
- Harley Watson
- the mango zone
- Luke's Letters
- Raymond Camden
- Hi, I'm Jayesh Bhoot
- Frame Notes
- Alex Cabal
- Stuffed Wombat
- Kartik Agaram
- Philip Zastrow
- Andy Carter – Sheffield based software engineer
- Caolan McMahon
- Anil Dash
- Algorist
- - too small to not fail
- Hugh Barnard – Computing for Social Change
- Arne Bahlo
- proto
- Blain Smith
- Denis Defreyne
- Home - Frills
- Les contributions de Paul Glagla | Paul Glagla's contributions
- Kestral @ Tildeverse
- hello! | nicole@web
- Ellie huxtable
- Alex Paul Kelly - AI: The Catalyst of the 4th Industrial transformation
- David "Novalis" Turner
- Jimmy miller
- Home - Left Fold
- Midnight Reading: Renkon's Personal Site
- Robert Birming
- Oh Hello Ana - Blog
- Jens Oliver Meiert · Frontend Engineering Leader and Tech Author/Publisher
- Blog . Ahmad Alfy
- MGD Blog
- -- the website of Colin Mitchell
- Paloma Kop
- L.M. Sacasas | Technology, Culture, and Ethics
- Foxocube's Blog – A blog written by Foxocube…
- dozens
- quanttype
- Lev Lazinskiy
- alex wennerberg
- Dive in
- Danny van Kooten
- blog
- Olu Online
- Raphael
- Unterminated
- The Universe of Discourse
- Robin Rendle
- Harry Wood homepage
- ReedyBear's Blog
- Diary of a Volunteer Sustrans Ranger | Sustrans 'Breckland and Waveney Valley' Volunteer Group
- Lukasz Baldyga
- On digital experiences, Open Source, Open Web, Drupal, and our digital future | Dries Buytaert
- Mags' Homepage!
- Nuxill's Corner
- Tiny Subversions | Darius Kazemi
- Miracle Scave
- Daniel Stenberg
- Home Page 🪴 ~
- Ben Oliver
personal websites (without blog)
- Alex Adler
- Des polices de caracteres a Gogo !!!
- Daniel Flanagan
- Philipp Gortan's Homepage
- The Mark Vigeant Web Ring
- Toni Buckby
- The Web Site of Cobyzaby
- Paul Chaplin: Frontend/fullstack web development
- ✧・maria・✧
- Aya Stead - Personal Porfolio
- Erich Friedman
- index: aethopica
- Julius Tarng — Independent Software Creative
- Alex Dytrych
- Jeff Milling's Website
- v21
- Seif 🌍 World
- Richard Oliver Bray – Christian, web developer, game developer, content creator, open source contributor
- Chet Ramey's Home Page
- Mouse Reeve
- Sam Auber
- Stuffed Wombat
- Ken Rudolph's Home Page
- petrapixel
- Tyler Slamkowski
- Carl W. Knopf Site: Carl W. Knopf Jr. Website
- Doc Meek
- n0madz profile
- Some miscellany about Bristol, my fathers time in the Royal Navy, Optical Illusions, Postcards, Terre Haute, Indiana and other things I'm interested in
- Icehouseoffroad - Home Page
- XXIIVV — devine lu linvega
- Hi I'm Ayliean + I love maths
- Nat Zimmermann
- Pera's Homepage!
- aghdom
- Home | Universalities
- Nikola Nenov Motion Graphics
- Evaisa
- elysia's Website
- Henry From Online
- Hello, I am Jonty
- Robert Whittaker's OpenStreetMap Stuff
- Robert Whittaker
- Matthias Heil's homepage
interesting websites
- OpenBenches Welcome!
- Cool Space Things
- LilyPond – Music notation for everyone
- Random Contrarian Insurgent Organization
- Random book
- Diggers and Dreamers – Intentional Community in Britain
- IMDb Ratings: Movies Higher Lower Game | Stattogories
- | Lonely streams and streamers with zero viewers
- Watch TV live now on the web | free and easy
- Hanabi · Play Hanabi online with friends!
- Atlas Obscura - Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations
- Python Graph Gallery
- SteamCompanion
- 3D Pipes Screensaver
- Based on a *True* True Story? — Information is Beautiful
- The Phrontistery: Obscure Words and Vocabulary Resources
- What To Watch On Streaming - A Good Movie To Watch
- Lipstick - Stacy Greene
- Runestone Futhark | chriskirknielsen
- Infraphil Viseum
- Learn X in Y Minutes: Scenic Programming Language Tours
- paste
- Markup from hell - HTMHell
- Marginalia Search
- RSP6 decoder
- Unicode progress bars
- The Cheap Web
- When Can I Reuse This Calendar?
- Animating with Clip-Path | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
- LÖVE - Free 2D Game Engine
- Website Carbon Calculator v3 | What's your site's carbon footprint?
- Wiby - Search Engine for the Classic Web
- Tiny Toolkits
- Button Wall
- Radio stream URL search engine
- | Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software
- Marigold Town: a web hosting provider with a small-town vibe
- Harlan Ellison Webderland: Home Page
- Scribe
- blinkie maker | generate blinkie gifs with custom text!
- HTML for People
- Urinal Dot Net
- Encyclopedia of Organ Stops
- VotesforSchools - Personal Development, SMSC & PSHE
- Housing law reports and analysis - Nearly Legal: Housing Law News and Comment
- Reknit Revolution – reworking our wardrobes, stitch by stitch
- Trans-Europe-Planner
- Disengineering Society
- - Discord Timestamp Generator
Articles (random)
- Trouble in Paradise | Vanity Fair
- Why Experts Make Bad Teachers. We’d all agree that to teach a subject… | by Charles Scalfani | Medium
- An Alien in Our Sea: A look at the intelligence of an octopus - University of Edinburgh's Science Magazine
- Highest falls survived without a parachute - Wikipedia
- Last Exit From The Secret Sea — BASE Magazine
- Kursk submarine disaster - Wikipedia
- Upright Bikes - Sit Up and Enjoy the Ride | Momentum Mag
- When Astronomers Chased a Total Eclipse in a Concorde
- The Knowhere Guide
- Deciphering The Man Behind Ontario’s Bean Puzzle Tombstone – LADY LATITUDES
- Oyacachi – aka the Coldest Place on the Equator, Ever | Big Trip
- Men Abandoned Male Birth Control Breakthrough Because of Side Effects? |
- The Great Blading Bubble: How Toxic Masculinity Inflated and Burst Aggressive Inline | by Toldandretold | Medium
- What Is The Internet Doing To Boomers’ Brains? | HuffPost UK Politics
- The Documentary - Moondog: Sound of New York - BBC Sounds
- The weird and true story of Moondog
- Horizontal History — Wait But Why
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, video games, and the new online town square | Ars Technica
- The Journalist and the Pharma Bro
- Why Women Aren't Welcome on the Internet - Pacific Standard
- Are These Impressive Facts About Birmingham Actually True?
- The drama in trying to convert election PDFs to Spreadsheets - Mark Essien
- My stack will outlive yours
- North England vs. The Netherlands.
- Moondog: Sound of New York - BBC Sounds
- The plot against Mercia - UnHerd
- So you want to invent a nuclear weapon
- 82: Roller Skating Ultra Distances – 1885 Six Days | Ultrarunning History
- Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society
- Playing With My Son -
- South Pole Signage
- We've never even tried
- What happened when we offered Free Hugs to people
- What's so great about tunnel man?
- Excuse me but why are you eating so many frogs
- 7 Reasons why I don't write | Max Böck
- Words To Avoid in Educational Writing | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
- When you browse Instagram and find former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's passport number
- A Totally Objective Ranking of Every UK Local Authority Logo | by Robin Wilde | Medium
- Todepond dot com
- Things Unexpectedly Named After People · Notes
- Startling differences between humans and jukeboxes
- The Deaths of Effective Altruism | WIRED
- goodbye-engagement.pdf
- Pluralistic: Podcasting “Capitalists Hate Capitalism” (18 Apr 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
- Modular origami – Polypompholyx
- Cory Doctorow: Moneylike – Locus Online
- A London start-up tried to solve Sheffield's housing crisis. So far, they've made it worse
- Labour's AI Action Plan - a gift to the far right | Computer Weekly
- On cats – Going Medieval
- Why is everything binary? (Webbed Briefs)
- On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs: A Work Rant - David Graeber
- I Tasted Honda's Spicy Rodent-Repelling Tape - by Liz Cook
Articles (programming)
- Myth of the Day: Functional Programmers Don’t Use Loops
- So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1) | by Charles Scalfani | Medium
- Why Programmers Need Limits. Limits make for better Art, Design and… | by Charles Scalfani | Medium
- Paul Ford: What Is Code? | Bloomberg
- F*ck it: use React for your personal site if you want to - Ironeko
- Paul Ford: What Is Code? | Bloomberg
- Hosting my static sites with nginx
- Tailwind CSS origins
- Static site generators: Hugo vs Jekyll vs Gatsby vs 11ty
- Implementing SEO and Open Graph tags in Eleventy (11ty)
- A talk: How To Find Things Online | v21
- Interactive blog posts with no build step using Markdown and Lit | Andrew Jakubowicz
- Making "LCD, Please" | Development Logs by Lucas Pope
- Command-line Tools can be 235x Faster than your Hadoop Cluster - Adam Drake
- The reckless, infinite scope of web browsers
- Why I don't have analytics on my website
- Hang on, PHP IS a static site generator! - Ross Wintle
- Why I love (and how I make) simple, static, minimal-tech websites - Ross Wintle
- Reversing UK mobile rail tickets
- I made JSX for Lua (because I hate static sites) | Ben Visness
- Using computers more freely and safely
- Making small games, which is fun in itself · Joys of Small Game Development
- Stuffed Wombat - The Small Game
- Programming Sucks
- Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany – alexwlchan
- Make a Damn Website
- A dozen thoughts about AI |
- I worry our Copilot is leaving some passengers behind - Josh Collinsworth blog
- A Deep Dive Into SVG Path Commands
- 100 things you can do on your personal website | James' Coffee Blog
- What Is A Single-page Application?: HeydonWorks
- When to use target="_blank" | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
- I am not a supplier | Musings about software
- The Single File Philosophy
- So, do you actually want to write?
- Being Raised by the Internet
- An app can be a home-cooked meal
- Pluralistic: You should be using an RSS reader (16 Oct 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
- Building a website like it's 1999... in 2022 - localghost
- The Big Pleroma and Fediverse FAQ Part 1 - Beginner Questions
- against the dark forest
- Carlos Fenollosa - Blog
- Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains -
- An Introduction To CSS Scroll-Driven Animations: Scroll And View Progress Timelines — Smashing Magazine
- Designing Code For Forward Progress
- How to Make a Damn Website
- HTML for People
- slash pages
- RSS is (not) dead (yet) (NED #3) – audra mcnamee
video playlists/channels
- Wordle - A daily word game
- Absurdle @ Things Of Interest
- dordle by zaratustra
- Lewdle - A lewd daily word game
- Primel
- Sweardle - the 4 letter word guessing game
- Taylordle
- BTS Wordle
- Wordle Unlimited - Play Wordle with Unlimited Words
- Searchdle: An SEO version of Wordle
- Jewdle – a daily Jewish word game
- Star Wordle
- Worldle
- Letterle
- Nerdle - the daily numbers game
- Globle
- Chessle
- UC Dwordle
- Quordle
- Octordle
- sedecordle
- Semantle
- Durdle
- squirdle
- Heardle - Like Wordle, but for Music
- Scholardle
- Survivle
- Brandle
- Squabble
- Qwordle
- Squardle - Wordle squared?
- Adverswordle
- Emotle | Emotle
- Framed - The daily movie guessing game
- Daily Home | Appraisir
- Wheredle 🌎
- Duotrigordle
- Redactle - A daily puzzle game
- ESChallenge (Eurovision Heardle)
- MURDLE! Solve a mystery every day!
- Pteredactle - Puzzle Game
- Flaggle 🏁
- Lirdle: One Lie Per Line
- Waffle - daily word game
- Hexordle
- OEC Tradle
- GeoScienceWord
- Jumblie | A word search game
- Smegle | A Red Dwarf screenshot guessing game
- WordlePress - a Wordle-style guessing game for WordPress developers
- Waffle
- Quordle
- Octordle
- Guess The Game
- Guess The Book - Your daily book guessing puzzle!
- Bandle - Guess the song played by the band
mobile games
- 80 Days – Apps on Google Play
- Slice & Dice – Apps on Google Play
- Spaceteam – Apps on Google Play
- The Battle of Polytopia – Apps on Google Play
- Mindustry – Apps on Google Play
- into the breach – Android Apps on Google Play
- chwazi – Android Apps on Google Play
- Reigns – Apps on Google Play
- Out There: Ω Edition – Apps on Google Play
- Space Trader – Apps on Google Play
multiplayer browser games
Updated (when I remember it) by
Last updated: